· Banal (adj) : Very common and therefore boring.
(Syn) : Insipid, Vapid, Bland, Lifeless, Flat, Dull, Hackneyed, Watery, Trite
(When asked about the reason for his absence, he made a banal excuse of fever.)
· Tenuous (adj) : Thin, rare, slim, easily damaged
(Syn) : Weak, Shaky, Feeble, Vague
(We were only able to make a tenuous connection between the two robberies.)
· Eulogy (Noun) : a speech of praise, written praise.
(Syn) : Accolade, Commendation, Encomium, Panegyric, Exaltation
(Today, everyone sings eulogies of Sonia’s leadership skills.)
Did you know these Phrases....???
· ‘Gift of the gab’ - Fluency of speech
· ‘To prostitute for’ - To put to unworthy or wicked use
So after spending a significant amount of time here at IMA, all of us must’ve realized the importance of being a ‘Good Speaker’.
So either you are already blessed with the ‘Gift of the gab’ or you improve upon it.
And as we graduate from this place, having developed a particular skill set, we need to make sure that we never ‘Prostitute our talent for’ any unethical reason.