Here, at this time it gives me immense pleasure to bring out the second edition of IMAge – Imagination unleashed. Introducing IMAge was sizeable, exceptional and an assiduous task. But this time the challenge was even more titanic. As the daily activities in the academy caught pace and the plethora of presentations made life pretty miserable, it really needed an extraordinary effort from the team to get things done simultaneously.
Hence I thank the entire IMAge team and everyone who contributed to this months’ edition for the superlative effort. And also the last month team for the tremendous support that they provided us with.
This month the team has tried its best to bring you an immensely piquant anthology of:
· NEWS – ICICI, IMA & current affairs
· A dedicated ‘Sports Section’
· A rendezvous with an interesting personality – Steve Jobs
· A place to visit in Hyderabad
· A vocabulary capsule
· An open to all Contest and feedback section
· Some attention-grabbing write ups and of course ... a lot of FUN.
The idea while designing the contents of the issue was to come up with a constructive compilation which not only provides the readers with important inputs but also leaves an unwavering impression. Inside the magazine, every feature is added to make it edifying, as well as appealing.
I have to make a special note of the participation from the entire IMA. I mean it was an overwhelming experience to see the flurry of articles coming as soon as the bell was rung. Although this made sieving all the more difficult but the outcome was always going to be an exceptional one.
Therefore, no matter what or how much do I say to put across that how proud I am to be a part of this wonderful team, it would be an understatement. It’s only when I look back that I can recognize the learning that I underwent in the process of bringing out just one edition. Hence I would like to take this moment to wish the future caretakers of this baby (IMAge),............’ALL THE VERY BEST’.
We really appreciate the feedback for the last edition, since it helped us a long way in designing this months’ issue. So for the benefit of the next months’ team, this time we are also keeping a feedback box at the academy wherein you can drop a hard copy of your feedback.
Signing off, I would like to say that IMAge intends to bring together the small IMA family that we have here. If we deliberate on it, we do not have a long time to share at this place. But it is what we learn in this excursion that will make a difference in our lives. So let’s make it an interactive session where we can strive to learn and have fun. And we already have a strong foundation called IMAge.
Have a wonderful time reading and all the best for the contest!!!
Varun Sharma