From the Editor’s Desk:
Dear colleagues,
While I write this article I feel more privileged than happy to share my views with bright minds and burgeoning visionaries of a splendid tomorrow. I take this opportunity to thank all my colleagues who bestowed upon me this opportunity. I extend a sincere note of gratitude. So here Section D unveils IMAge- a magazine to unleash your prowess that was latent within you and all it wanted was a lodestone to direct you to a place that only your mind can delve.
I am sure that all of us agree to the fact that we have a fantastic, energised class filled with ideas, talents and unique perceptions. It has just been about five weeks since we had our “Introductions Please” but it already seems that we have made relations that have a long way to go- as colleagues, as friends and as support systems. The nervous jitters have long lost their trace and the next few months are eagerly awaited. Here’s wishing my fellow participants the very best for all their future endeavours- their life at ICICI and beyond. Keep going!
IMAge. I dedicate this space to extend my appreciation to Mr. Mohanraj for this magazine is his brainchild. I also appreciate the thoughtfulness of Mr. Rahul Singh as this name is his creativity’s upshot. It is one of the best names we could have had. Now a little about our much touted magazine. In our day to day activities we seldom get a chance to pen our thoughts that not only gives us immense personal satisfaction but also proves to be an informative and resourceful repository for all. I am certain that in due course of time we can channelize our efforts to spread the span of IMAge across all sections and gather useful inputs that will enhance the character of the magazine.
I take this space to introduce the talented individuals who have worked diligently for the past week to compose this issue of the magazine. I feel privileged to dedicate this space to introduce the editorial team:
Sub-editor – Ms. Anubhuti Jain
Co-ordinator – Mr. Mohanraj
Design & Layout – Mr. Victor Chen
Executive Board – Mr. Jimit Shah, Mr. Manas Ranjan Mohanty, Mr. Sandeep Patel, Mr. Gaurav Singh, Ms. Sapna Holehonnur, Ms. Salila, Mr. Sharath kumar, Ms. Ekta Pundir and Mr. Pratyus Acharya.
1st of all we express our gratitude to Mr. B.V. Rao for his detailed budget contributions. On behalf of the editorial team I would like to acknowledge the efforts of Mr. Pritam Kar for his aesthetic logo, Ms. Saloni Juneja, Mr. Abhishek Jain, Chiranjibi Panda and Mr. Siddharth Juneja for their dedicated efforts. Also I thank all the participants for their wonderfully creative inputs as that is what made this magazine what it is today.
In this issue our team has tried its level best to include eclectic topics. However if you feel that there are certain areas we haven’t done justice to or need our attention do feel free to bring it to our notice. We would be more than happy to accommodate views and suggestions. Contact any of the editorial team members and we will try our level best to implement them.
We even have a space to address your personal grievances- a drop box to “drop” in your troubles and we make sure we provide you a solution to get away with, even if it just means a hand to hold. We ensure you that we will make you feel at home right here- amongst us. Feel free to ink your gloom away.
I hope you enjoy this issue of our monthly magazine. We certainly had a wonderful time compiling it, sincerely wishing you have manifold the worth reading it!
I wrap my thoughts, strongly resisting the urge to continue, to present you Section D magazine IMAge- Imagination Unleashed.
Keep reading, writing and envisioning!
Best Regards,
Reshma Menon.